Feature Update: Search Bar
When you are editing any program, now you will see a search bar above the code editor: These are the things you can search for: KeywordsGain immediate access to all the keywords in the Toolbar. For example, if you want to use the *email keyword, type “email” in the search bar and you will notice a list of results being displayed as you type.Clicking on the first result of the search will open the visual code editor for the *email keyword. All of GuidedTrack keywords can be accessed this way. ProgramsBrowse the Program Library entering your search terms into the bar. If you are looking for a scale that measures the Big Five personality traits, type “big five” and you will get the list of programs in the library that do it:QuestionsInject the code that generates common questions, such as a user’s age, gender, year of birth, etc. This is what you see when you search for “age”:When you select the question you are looking for, you will see the preview of the code and have the option to insert it into your program: FunctionsGuidedTrack’s functions are also accessible via the search bar. For instance, if you want to erase an element from a collection, type “erase” in the search bar and you will find the .erase function (to delete elements that match a given value) and .remove (to delete a given index in the collection). When you click on a search result of type “function’, you can see and insert sample code on how to use it:As you can see, the search bar allows you to quickly browse through and access all of GuidedTrack’s functionality as well as to find reusable code, functions and examples on how to use them. |