Feature update – Account dashboard, version control, keyboard shortcuts and new functions: .erase and .remove

Here’s what’s new:

Account dashboard

All GuidedTrack users now get access to a dashboard for their accounts. When they visit it, they can see the GuidedTrack programs and apps they’ve used in the past. If they want to, they have the option to clear out any data these apps have collected. They can also choose to delete their entire account.

You can direct the users of your programs to https://www.guidedtrack.com/account so that they manage their own data provided they were logged in when the data was generated. This can help you stay compliant with GDPR since GDPR requires providing a way for users of your program to delete their own data.

You will also find a link to the dashboard by clicking on the “Account” dropdown menu option:

Version control

You may have noticed a new “History” button on the navigation bar when you are editing a program. If you click it, it will display the list of different versions of your program:

When you select a prior version of your program, its code will load on the code editor and you can use the Restore button to revert to it.

New functions: .erase and .remove

Deleting elements from collections and associations is now easier than ever with the new erase and remove functions!

Deleting from a collection 

Look at this code:

The collection tripsThisYear is a list of all the trips you have made this year. If you want to completely forget you ever went to “London”, you would use the erase function to delete all of the elements in the collection that match that specific value.

Alternatively you can choose to delete a given position in a collection using the remove function:

In this example, the element in the fourth position of the collection would be deleted and you would defriend “Tim”.

Deleting from an association 

When working with associations, the remove function will delete the element whose key matches what you want to remove:

After running the code above, the only numbers left in your phoneBook will be Mara and Sue’s!

The erase method, on the other hand, works in a similar way as it does with collections, deleting all elements whose value match a given one:

In the example, favFoods has your friends’ names associated to their favorite foods and you are deleting Pete and John, since their favorite food is cake.

Keyboard shortcuts

The GuidedTrack code editor now accepts two more keyboard shortcuts:
  • Use Cmd+s (macOS) or Ctrl+s (Windows) to save the program you are editing.
  • Use Cmd+Shift+c (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+c (Windows) to comment or uncomment the line of code where your cursor is at. If you want to comment a block of consecutive lines, highlight the block and use the same combination of keys.